Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the UN: Recommendations on the 2017 Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security (WPS)

Oct 27, 2017Uncategorized

On Friday 27 October 2017, the United Nations will hold the annual United Nations Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, which will focus on how Member States, regional organisations and the UN are working towards the commitments and recommendations made during the 2015 High-level Review of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000).

In advance of the debate, the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security brought together 391 organisations from 98 countries to write an Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the UN, calling on Member States to prioritize gender equality and women’s rights, and to increase their support for women civil society organizations and women human rights defenders.

You can read the full letter here which outlines key recommendations for the Security Council.

The Australian Civil Society Coalition on Women, Peace and Security is proud to be a signatory to this Open Letter, which has now been sent to the New York missions of all Member States and published online.
