Issue Paper 1: Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism by Laura J. Shepherd and Livia Ceccon

The most recent in the suite of Women, Peace and Security resolutions, UNSCR 2242, brings counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism (CT/CVE) into conversation with women, peace and security initiatives. The next iteration of Australia’s National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security (2012-2018) presents a unique opportunity to refine and reshape WPS priorities and actions. This paper outlines some of the critical issues to consider when enhancing violence prevention through WPS in the form of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). Download PDF         Download MSWord

Issue Paper 2: Strengthening Conflict Prevention by Anu Mundkur, Christine Aguis and Livia Ceccon

This issue paper assesses the conceptualisation of the conflict prevention pillar in Australia’s first National Action Plan on Women Peace and Security (2012-2018).  For the next iteration of the NAP, the authors recommend developing a more robust approach to conflict prevention based on a broader conceptualisation across three dimensions – direct, structural and systemic prevention. Download PDF         Download MSWord

Issue Paper 3: The role and experience of adolescent girls in peace and security by PLAN International Australia

It is important to recognise that adolescent girls’ experience of the peace and security agenda is different from that of younger children, boys, men and even adult women.  Adolescent girls can be powerful agents of social change. They have the desire and the capacity to transform the world and are looking for opportunities to do so. Download PDF         Download MSWord

Issue Paper 4: Developing a vision for the 2nd National Action Plan by Katrina Lee-Koo and Barbara O’Dwyer

National Action Plans require a consistently understood and communicated vision statement. A clearly articulated vision facilitates a coordinated, whole of government approach to effective implementation. In fact, the NAP’s vision should be the primary driving force for designing the plan: its outcomes, activities and measures of impact. Download PDF         Download MSWord

Issue Paper 5: The Sustainable Development Goals and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda by Sharon Smee, Nicole Kleppe and Ludmilla Kwitko

The Women, Peace and Security agenda is recognised as a prerequisite for the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda and as essential for transformative change towards security, human rights and development. At the same time, the 2030 Agenda provides an important framework to refocus and strengthen Australia’s approach to women, peace and security clearly showing the “nexus between gender equality, conflict and development” and the need for an interlinked domestic and international focus on women, peace and security. Download PDF         Download MSWord

Issue Paper 6: Linking women, peace and security with disaster response and management

Sustainable peace and prosperity require the full and equal participation of women. So far, the crucial role of women in disaster management and in building resilient communities has received less recognition than it deserves. This paper aims to provide recommendations on how Australia’s next National Action Plan (NAP) on women, peace and security can be responsive to natural disasters, both within Australia and overseas. Download PDF         Download MSWord  

Issue Paper 7: Principles that underpin good practice in NAP monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning frameworks

The effective implementation of Australia’s WPS policy and the accountability of the Australian Government to UNSCR 1325 is ultimately contingent on the development of an adequate monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) system. Download PDF         Download MSWord


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